e036361d5fffaf0d3a7e615af321e0f2[1]It may seem cute when Donald Trump says, “You’re Fired” on his reality television show; however, when it happens to you in real life, it’s not so cute. The truth is that most people have experienced this trauma. I say trauma, because it is.

We all derive much of our identity from the work we do; not to mention, our livelihood. We want that part of our lives to have meaning and we place lots of effort into career success. Getting fired is a failure, even if you hated the job. If you’ve been fired recently, you may have not even told your friends or your family yet. Your family probably counts on you monetarily, which is another let down.


You also try to tell yourself that incompetence and performance problems are not the primary reasons people are let go. The usual causes range from staff reductions, mergers and changes in corporate direction. Yet, “failure” is the ringing mantra that plays in your head and wakes you up in a cold sweat at 3:00 AM. I’m not saying that you could not have brought this on yourself. You understand that you should be fired if there were clashes with the boss, disagreements over politics or values, or insubordination such as slacking off, coming in late, and leaving early.

The higher you are on the corporate food chain, the greater the public humiliation and shame.  Psychology Today points out that “…wealth and status have always been symbols of power…Many people view their career as a critical component of their self-concept and identity…” CareerCast.com sums this phenomena up pretty well, “Whatever the reason, however, getting fired can be one of life’s most stressful experiences…The first reactions to being fired are usually anger and pain, followed by feelings of confusion and disillusionment…For some, the shock of being let go produces a psychological numbness.” Nevertheless, even if you feel like a zombie, you are going to have to muster up enough energy and enthusiasm to begin your job search.

Put On Your Public Happy Face, But Come Clean With Yourself:

These may seem like obvious tips, but they need close attention. There are things you should never do when you get fired. Don’t “lose it” by yelling and screaming things that you wish you hadn’t. Burning bridges is a, “No, No.” Get out to the street or get home and let your head blow off! Also, don’t tell your former associates that you intend to “Sue the pants off of them.” (Even if you do.)

Furthermore, don’t lie about what happened when on your future job interviews. Give a real reason, such as, “The Company was under economic pressure to cut back,” or “The Company had changed direction and my skills were no longer applicable.”

You want to make sure that you get recommendations from past employers. I know it is not something that you can think of as the axe is falling. But in a day or so, when the tears have dried, reach out and send an email that explains that it is unfortunate that things have not worked out, but that you would value a reference letter in order for you to seek other opportunities.

Your first step, after you have expressed your emotions privately to your loved ones and professional counselors, is to have a frank conversation with yourself. Why did you get fired? Don’t be defensive. What behaviors that you own can be changed? Be honest with yourself, or you will just carry these traits with you to the next job and probably experience the same outcome.

Severance Agreement:

Don’t sign one right away. You may be leaving money on the table, not to mention any other legal claims that may have arisen due to your employment. I know this will not be a cash-rich time for you, but this is the time to seek legal advice. Just talk quickly to lower the hours you might rack up with an attorney.

File For Unemployment:

In most cases, fired people are entitled to unemployment insurance. If you are fired for cause or misconduct, you will probably not qualify. It also takes time for the benefits to start, so get on this as soon as possible.

It’s A Great Time To Make All Of Those Doctor’s Appointments You Had No Time For:

You will probably still have your employer’s health insurance for a period of time before you have to start paying, so get to it. You will have the option legally to extend your coverage through COBRA, a federal program.

Dust Off The Resume And Think About What You Really Want To Do:

Really polish the resume and cover letter to make them hum. You may have several different jobs you are pursuing. Personalize each cover letter to show that you have researched the company you’re seeking to work for in order for them to easily match their need with your talents and experience.

Get Your Financial House In Order:

Know how long you have to live until you hit the financial wall. Be honest with your partner and with the kids. Life happens and this was not planned.   Explain that you are a family and it’s time for you all to cut back and get through this tough time. Reassure the kids that you love them and that they are not being punished. You are trying as hard as you can.

There is life after being fired…I promise.

Neale Godfrey-contributor