Legal Disclaimer:
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our services and their potentials. Any claims made of actual interviews and jobs landed or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, may not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each client’s career search success depends on his or her dedication, desire and motivation.
“60 Day Satisfaction” Guarantee
We Personally Guarantee Your Satisfaction! We want you to feel comfortable making the decision to purchase our services or programs. If you don’t feel like you’ve gotten everything we promised and more, just return all materials written, download, or emailed, destroy any and all copies on any computers/laptops, wireless devices including (cells phones and tablets), and we will refund your money (less a $75.00 processing fee)!
Resume Service
If you don’t get an interview in 60 days of receiving your new resume, we will refund your money. In order to receive the refund, you must provide documented proof that you have conducted an active job search with no contact from any companies or recruiters for interviews. This proof is, but is not limited to, dated confirmations of resume submission from job boards, emails from the company confirming receipt of your application and uploaded resume.
Coaching Service
In order to receive a refund for coaching services you are requested to provide proof that you have followed the coaching plan and completed all assignments. You must also provide proof that you have sought employment and interviewed with no success directly related to information provided during the coaching sessions.
We know how fulfilling it is when you take the step on the road towards finding your passion, calling and life purpose AND you make a wonderful living too. We know what it takes for you to be comprehensively trained and fully prepared when you are transitioning to a new job or career and you will get the tools you need to successfully move into your ideal position.