Originally posted on Forbes.com
Forbes Coaches Council members share ways to find a better work-life balance in the age of constant connectivity.
In the age of constant connectivity and remote work capabilities, many employees find themselves increasingly overworked and overtired. When you’re able—and perhaps even expected—to work 24/7, it’s easy to let work take over your life and burn you out.
To prevent your career from negatively impacting your physical and mental health, it’s important to be proactive in these areas and work toward a lifestyle that promotes passion and productivity. We asked a panel of Forbes Coaches Council members to share some steps professionals can take, either at work or at home, to achieve this. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Meditate
I found just five minutes of meditation per day was a complete game-changer for me. Don’t take it from my anecdotal evidence though; there are countless studies that show similar effects. If you aren’t into meditation, at least give it a real try for two weeks. – Brian M Harman, Business Management Hallmark
2. Practice The S.T.O.P. Technique
Burnout occurs when you race around trying to get everything done on your to-do list. This occurs when you believe everything is urgent and important when it is not. By using the S.T.O.P. Technique—Slow down, Tune in within, Observe what is happening and Perceive the best possibility to utilize your time—you will feel more focused and in control. As a result, you will be less burned out. – Susan K. Wehrley, BIZremedies
3. Walk More
Quoting Kierkegaard, “Take your soul for a stroll…Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness.” If you work virtually, walk to work, not across the room, but around the block or even the community. If you drive, don’t hunt for the nearest parking space. Get off public transportation a stop or two early. Walking has proven mental and physical benefits. – Brian Gorman, TransformingLives.Coach
4. Learn When ‘Good’ Is Good Enough
Step one is recognizing there is an issue. Step two is learning to identify when “good” is good enough to help you get past that perfection paralysis all high achievers feel at some point. Done is better than perfect (and perfectly acceptable in many instances). Learn to distinguish between those things that merit your meticulous attention to detail and those that benefit from you letting go. – Precious Williams Owodunni, Mountaintop Consulting
5. Drink Water
There is a link between high cortisol levels and being dehydrated. Stressed people’s hearts beat faster and it’s a sign that the body needs more fluids. Continuous stress leads to mental burnout. Don’t use coffee or green tea. Go for simple cool water. This way you will deliver liquids to all your organs, including the brain. It looks like water is the best prevention for sun and mental burnout. – Inga Bielińska, Inga Bielinska Coaching Consulting Mentoring
6. Schedule Breaks And Mark Your Calendar As ‘Busy’
We spend time learning how to plan effectively and how to prioritize our goals and tasks. However, we often fail to include time for rest and restoration on our lists and in our calendars. It’s imperative that self-care is planned, and the time allocated must be protected. Mark your time for self-care as “busy” on shared calendars, because “out of office” doesn’t mean you can’t be reached. – Joynicole Martinez, The Alchemist Agency
7. Take A Vacation And Truly Unplug
Use your vacation time! The U.S. Travel Association estimates that there were 705 million unused vacation days in 2017—days that employees are paid to take but they choose to work instead. Disconnecting from work emails, meetings and calls while on vacation will allow you to return to work with fresh ideas, more energy and renewed drive. – Dr. Kimberly Jarvis, All Career Matters, Inc.
8. Reframe Self-Care As Productive Time
Many executives de-prioritize self-care below work because they view it as “non-productive,” wasteful time. Research shows, whether it is sleeping, exercising, nutrition or social connection, renewal activities are critical to operate at one’s optimal level on a sustainable basis. If you reframe self-care as productive time, it will help you prioritize it and operate more effectively. – Shefali Raina, Alpha Lane Partners
9. Learn What Energizes You
You don’t let your phone battery get down to 5%, but often we let ourselves run dry before we recognize our signs of stress. Protect your health and avoid burnout by increasing your self-awareness. What stresses and energizes your co-worker might not be the same for you. Some people are energized by spending time alone, and others recharge by being around other people. Know and take care of yourself. – Sherrie Haynie, The Myers-Briggs Company
10. Take A Technology Break
In this age of emails, IMs and phone calls, it is a good idea to take a break from technology every now and again to recharge. Depending on your schedule and available vacation time, you can take a day, a weekend or a week. Taking time away from technology will keep you from burning out. Read a book, go for a hike or take a retreat. You can also use this time to reconnect with your family. – Katrina Brittingham, VentureReady LLC
11. Breathe
One of the most powerful remedies for the over-stressed and overstretched is also the simplest: breathe. Breathing connects your body, mind and spirit. When you’re overwhelmed and other remedies seem out of reach (who has time for meditation or yoga? When would I find time to overhaul my work life?), master the two-minute break. Clear your mind and breathe. You’ll instantly feel rested and renewed. – Joelle Jay, LRI
12. Build A Life Outside Of Work
Because employees are working long hours and are always connected, it can seem like work is all-consuming. To keep some level balance, build a meaningful life outside of work—a family, a friend group, a volunteer role, a creative passion like a hobby, etc. Whatever it is, put a priority on it so your energy can shift from 24/7 work and focus on something meaningful outside of work. – Reed Deshler, AlignOrg Solutions
13. Do One Thing That Makes You Happy And Curious Each Day
The more things feel out of control, focus on simplifying your priorities. Most of us feel burnout when we feel unappreciated, overworked and bored. We don’t feel burnout when we work hard on something we enjoy. So the question is, how do you make what you do in your life something you enjoy? Ask and reflect: What makes you happy? When was the last time you felt curious while working on a project? – Monica Kang, InnovatorsBox
14. Pay Attention To Your Attention
The last and final human resource to go is your attention. What you are experiencing is your attention being hijacked by the myriad subtleties that have come to define your life. To reclaim governance over your attention, you will need to consider integrating the following activity: the act of noticing where your attention goes, whether in the form of behaviors or thoughts. And then with self-compassion ask yourself, “Is this the person I desire to be?” – Mirella De Civita, Ph.D., PCC, MCEC, Papillon MDC Inc.