Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Use these tips to help you discover and pursue a job you’ll love.
How do you figure out your dream career?
What we desired in our twenties may no longer hold true a decade or more later. As our lives change, so do our career plans. It’s important to do a little soul-searching to reevaluate your career goals at any stage of your life and modify your long-term strategy for success.
How can people best leverage their skills into a new career?
Do your research. Join relevant professional organizations and attend trade shows to start building your new professional network. Subscribe to publications and set up Google News Alerts to learn the industry jargon. The more you learn, the easier it will be to identify how your skill set is applicable in your target line of work.
How do you turn a hobby into a paid career?
If you want to turn your hobby into a paycheck, you first need to learn the business side of your extracurricular activity. Seek out a mentor in the same industry to show you the ropes and help you fill in any skill gaps. Look for what’s missing in the industry. You’re already a customer – what have you caught yourself wishing for?
What are some tips for older career changers?
Consider an encore career. It’s an appealing option for job seekers at retirement age who want to continue working while making a lifestyle change. In fact, a 2011 research study concluded that nearly 9 million Americans between the ages of 44 and 70 are in encore careers.
Is networking really that important?
Yes! Employee referrals are a very valuable tool in the job search, especially when you’re looking to transition to a different career. They can help you bypass the gatekeepers and open doors that would otherwise be closed. Network as much as possible with people in your chosen line of work to identify people who will advocate on your behalf.
Career transitions can be very tricky, but they’re not impossible. Sometimes it’s necessary to take a step down or sideways to move forward. However, the ultimate rewards are worth it when you’re in a career that you truly love!