Expert Panel, Forbes Coaches Council
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Brand marketing can be a very costly undertaking. The size of the market and the target demographic usually inform the company of how much they can expect to spend in a standard brand marketing campaign.
However, not all brand marketing campaign requires that level of detail. Growing a customer base might not require small businesses to break the bank just to get their brand message out to the broadest audience. The 21st century has given marketers new, more efficient (and cost-effective) tools to do brand marketing.
Here, 13 contributors to Forbes Coaches Council take a look at some budget-friendly strategies that businesses can employ to grow brand awareness.
Build A Strong Referral Network
One way to market your business without breaking the bank is to build a strong referral network among your colleagues in the industry. Join associations in your industry and go to conference and professional development events. People hire friends and the same goes for referring potential clients. Online networking has its place, but people connect with you better when they see you. – Katrina Brittingham, VentureReady LLC
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Members explain the best ways to affordably spread the word about your business.